To be eligible for a Google Ads Grants account, an organization must:
- Organizations must be registered as a (i) Foundation and Fund (Stiftungen und des fonds), (ii) Association (Vereine), (iii) Corporation (gemeinnützige gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung or gGmbH; or körperschaften des öffentlichen Rechts or KdÖR), (iv) Religious organization (religionsgemeinschaften); (v) Non‐governmental international organizations (nichtstaatliche internationale organisationen).
Your organization is not eligible for a Google Ads Grants account if it is:
- A governmental entity or organization
- A hospital or health care organization.*
- A school, academic institution, or university.**
*charitable arms or foundations associated with healthcare organizations are eligible.
**philanthropic arms of educational organizations are eligible.
What We Do
If you would like our help to apply, setup, optimize, manage or audit your Google Ads Grant account, please let us know by filling out the Request Form on this page.
This way you can focus on managing the non-profit.
If you would like to apply for the Google Ads Grant directly with Google, Click the Button below.
To get The Secret Sauce that makes your account work for you, just fill out the Request Form on this page.
No strings attached.
Request Form
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